Pink oyster mushrooms growing from bucket
Flushes of oyster mushrooms
Pink oyster mushrooms growing from bucket
Person making mushroom spawn in lab
Person making mushroom spawn in lab
Person inspecting mushroom spawn in lab

NuvoSpawn – Pink Oyster Mushroom Spawn

Pink Mushroom Grain Spawn

1 customer review


+ Tax and Shipping rate calculated at checkout

Title Range Discount
Mini Pack 5 - 10 15%
Medium Pack 11 - 15 20%
Mega Combo 16 + 30%

Item Description

Our new batch of Pink Oyster Mushroom Spawn is getting ready, and we will be able to dispatch them starting Monday, January 27th, 2025.


Pink Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus djamor)
Pleurotus djamor, a variety of oyster mushroom known for its flamingo pink color, distinctive aroma and succulent texture.

These pink beauties are our fastest growing mushroom variety, heat tolerant and rich in dietary fibre bringing home a delight to share with your loved ones for an umami filled meal.

Temperature: For this variety of oyster mushroom, we recommend a temperature of 19 C to 33 C (pinning can be initiated at 18 C as well but fruit body development will happen better over 20 C)


“Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss of viability due to warm weather conditions during transit.”


Key Features


1 review for NuvoSpawn – Pink Oyster Mushroom Spawn

  1. Sidharth Jayaprakash (verified owner)

    100% recommended. Colonized my straw completely, in less than a week and produced fruits around 5 days later. My place is currently experiencing heavy rainfall so conditions were pretty much ideal.

    • nuvedo

      NuMushTe Sidharth!

      Thank you so much for your positive feedback. Hope those pink oyster mushrooms were tasty!

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